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"creating my own lane, and making purpose a priority."


Well, hello!

If this is your first time here, Hey, I'm Tiara!

Here's a little inside scoop on my journey...

I didn't grow up with dreams of becoming a creative director, stylist, or to do anything in the arts and entertainment realm, for that matter. The gift(s) were always there, but I never thought of making it a career. I grew up hearing horror stories of the industry and subconsciously just thought it was best to stay away, I guess. 


After realizing becoming a lawyer wasn't for me, always had a bold personality, I chose the safe route, safe for me that isand became a school teacher. I was always "good" with children, at least that's what I was told. I still love impacting youth, however because of politics sometimes my passion for the field feels like it's diminishing. I don't see myself doing this until retirement, but doing what I do keeps me grounded and feeling purposeful, it has a long term reward. Despite my formal career title(s) , the creative in me has always been alive... and eventually I'd love to find a way to bridge the gap between impacting youth and my creative passions. 


From friends randomly asking me to style them, to the pure joy that arose from decorating various settings; writing to express my thoughts and ideas; my natural attention to detail, and what many of you know me for, my pursuit in modeling... These were/are the things that have always brought me joy, but also came naturally for me. For a long time I always felt as though I couldn't find my niche, until I sat and did some soul searching and realized I had been cultivating and operating in my lane all along, just struggling with finding ways to put a name to it. Needless to say, I'm not just an educator but also a creative, a story teller, an artist, often times in front of the camera, but also behind it. Whether I'm modeling, acting, creative directing, styling, or consulting, the goal is to always tell a story, to relay a message. A message and story with purpose, meaning and substance. As I continue cultivating my own lane, I'm here to help you begin creating yours. Whatever work we do together, be prepared to enhance your brand, but also be committed to making purpose a priority. 

Bachelor of Science
Child and Family Studies

Masters of Science
in Education
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